Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Out Of The Woods AND Beware!

It's been just about two weeks home from the hospital and the only residual complaint is a constant itch that reminds me of my last dog, Krissy, known as the "itchy dog". Krissy was the love of our family's life and while she lived to the ripe old age of 18, she had skin allergies that made her scratch incessantly. I've come a long way - can now see clients in person - wow, not just over skype! And yesterday, I got my doctor's blessing that I can actually shake hands, hug and kiss people once again. Watch out - I've been sorely deprived! Why? My blood counts are finally moving in the right direction on their own - no pills, potions or shots. I was ecstatic at the news and could not wait to call my family and share this with them. Many sighs of relief and giggles of joy! As I drove from the hospital in rush hour traffic, I realized how tired I still can be and it brought to mind the title of this blog. Yes, I feel that I am out of the woods, but as my doc told me, this will be a full year of being immunosuppressed. While the old me would dismiss such a warning, the new me is taking things in much more of a balanced stride. I have learned over these past few months that my energetic desire and capacity to do had also led to my illness because I did not listen to the subtleties of my body and brain becoming burned out, overtaxed, inflamed. I just kept going for years, never giving in. I am so aware that my new ways of being are still that - NEW - and that means that I must continue to practice balance, putting rest, play and joy-filled activities into my every day. While these next few months will be the "beware" season, I do believe that I have learned this lesson in life and remain so grateful to be here to practice. My wish for you all is to take each day as a gift and plant your personal garden with peace, fun and joy!

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