Saturday, April 5, 2014

Yoga and Flow

Today I was at my yoga training all day, month 8 of 10 and loving it! The program that I take is Yoga Of Energy Flow, and ironically, a theme for my own self-work, is learning to "go with the flow!" In this process of transformation - physical, emotional and spiritual healing - there is an unlearning of habits, thoughts and behaviors that takes place and the laying down of new tracks of information for the body and mind to assimilate. It is quite fascinating to be in a space of calm, observing without reacting. Yoga has rekindled this basic awareness that we are all born with. Notice a baby when calm. There is observing, taking in without judgement or blame or self-ridicule. These latter attributes are learned and conditioned behaviors that we take ownership for over time. I often suggest to my clients to be the "outside observer", not a judge. It is in this place of observation that one can gather information to take steps towards transformation, to more easily "go with the flow", because there is no critical self telling one what he or she should or should not do. It is through the practice of observing and choosing that we become our true selves and life goes with the flow. Try it! Blessings, Julie

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