Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Miss Representation

Over the weekend, my daughters and I watched Ms Representation, a documentary about how women are objectified in our culture. My college daughter, Ashley, was introduced to this from a peer at school and we all enjoy social and philosophical viewings, discussions and issues to ponder. This brings me back to my earlier days when Gloria Steinem, did the first documentary on women's issues and the effects on body image. I have been passionate about this topic because I, too, was a victim of early bullying about my weight and began the diet cycle at age 9 along with my parents. These "flashback" opportunities allow us to see where we have been, what has contributed to shaping our beliefs and habits, while also seeing where we have come in the process. For me, I have always wanted to understand my motives, to peel away the layers, so to speak, of my protective shell, getting at true concerns of basic needs - will I be safe, will I be lovable, am I good enough! I'd be curious to see how others feel about viewing this documentary on Netflix! It is so important to not be taken in by the media and to recognize its role in shaping our thoughts and actions. To counter this, get out in nature - see the sky, hear the birds and breathe in plenty of fresh air! Peace, Julie

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