Saturday, April 19, 2014

Love: Just Because It Feels Good

Leading up to this blog, I've written about yoga and heart opening, the 4th chakra called Anahata and just yesterday about recreating/recreation. If one googles Heart Math, NLP, Quantum Physics, yoga, Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden-both scientists who have and are exploring the Quantum Physics theory - it becomes very clear that the energy from the heart plays a much larger role in our true physical/emotional/spiritual healing than was once believed. I decided to add the tag, "Just because it feels good" in order to separate what can cause disappointment, anger, sadness and dis-ease for many. Often, we love thinking that it is unconditional or no strings attached, but as we look closer and examine the true nature of our actions and choices, there may be a core belief, fear or expectation attached to our choice. This is being human and as human beings, we all have basic needs that must be satisfied in order to free ourselves from the fear of being "OK" in the world. For example, many women my age were taught, "good girls are to be seen and not heard"! This was a very formative belief in my thinking. I learned to be nice, to be helpful, to be supportive and while these are great attributes, they were ingrained as do this or else . . . you are not safe from being punished and taken care of. As a child, we often do not know that this process is even going on. As adults, we have the opportunity to look back on these core beliefs, challenging them and choosing what FEELS good. Again, look at the theories and scientists about to get an idea of how feeling affects every aspect of total health! A fun and quick exercise if to sit comfortably with the spine erect, cross hands over the heart center, one palm on top of the other, close eyes and breathe deeply, imagining warmth and a wonderful setting be it sitting on a beach in the sun or focusing on a candle with quietness all around. Choose your place and relax. The hand position is a reiki position and can hold powerful energy for the heart. With love, Julie

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