Friday, June 27, 2014

Non-GMO vs Monsanto - A Big Monetary Giant

I've never been one to follow politics in my past - always felt that little me would have no real say in the matter and I found the system and understanding how issues are dealt with, to be quite frankly, overwhelming. However, I have been following the GMO debate for a few years now and especially after being in Germany for alternative cancer care 1/2 years ago. The standards for use of pesticides and herbicides in Europe are much stricter than in the US and here, we continue to use very harsh chemicals not only in farming, but in household cleaners, makeup and other toiletries, as well as some of the clothes we wear! While this can be overwhelming to consider, start slowly and begin to educate yourself in order to make informed decisions about the products you are using. It does not happen overnight and if the process feels too stressful, slow down a bit! Check out (environmental working group). This organization lists products and chemical names to become familiar with. See the attached clip from an article focused on GMO's and the effects on rats. Most of all, see this as opportunity, rather than stressor - I was stuck in the overwhelmed state for years, which resulted in "ignorance is bliss". Now, I pace myself much more in order to take on just what I am ready for! Have a wonderful day! Julie Séralini study on toxic effects of GMOs and glyphosate republished See alsoPolicy & Issues GMO In an announcement made today in France, the Séralini study on the long term effects of GMOs and glyphosate has been republished in the Springer open source journal Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU, 2014, 26:14). The study by Gilles-Eric Séralini et al., Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize, was first published in the Elsevier journal, Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) in November of 2012. The study showed massive tumors, kidney and liver damage in rats on a genetically modified (GMO) Roundup-Ready maize diet.

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