Monday, June 23, 2014

Burn, Bootcamp or Agni Light My Fire

As I walked with Tammie this morning - a beautiful, sunny day indeed, I was struck by the phrases that are used to assist us in getting into shape - burn and bootcamp we re two that I passed by. I immediately thought about my recent yoga training and how the terminology to assist one on multiple levels - fitness, emotional and spiritual well-being - is gentler with a different focus in mind. We have become accustomed to being beaten up or whipped into shape, often doing movements with great intensity that can be more harmful than helpful. In fact, recent research is showing that very intensity exercise is inflammatory to the body. We already live in an inflammatory environment and exercise should not be contributing to that! I recalled learning about "agni" or the internal fire within us and how certain yoga poses and breathing techniques can warm the body and sharpen the mind. This sounds much more productive and conducive to one's well-being, while also toning, enhancing muscle strength and flexibility. As a society, we are learning, but habits are hard to change. Think of being kinder and gentler in your fitness routine, vary what you do and focus on all areas - flexibility, strength and endurance. Be present to your exercise - feel what it is doing, see how you feel following your routine. If you are energized, focused and happy, good for you! In health, Julie

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