Monday, July 17, 2017

On Urgency

As I come off an amazing weekend - full of patients whom I love supporting, having a neighborhood potluck talking into the sunset, playing/practicing music for my christian rock band audition and meeting with our business mentor, a world-seasoned executive coach who loves our vision for ClearMind, I began to recognize the need to also dampen the "urgency button".

My dear friend, Jamie, sent me a book, ME, FINALLY - Navigating Life With An Open Heart, and I somehow knew this morning that I needed and wanted to begin a few pages as a daily practice.  No coincidence here.  I believe and live from my heart much of the time, which has allowed me to traverse the hills and valleys of life, often sensing the need of others, whether spoken or not.

This gift also needs to be dealt with carefully, as I can easily take any request as urgent, needing response immediately.  Conversely, I have come to anticipate a similar response from others and when it does not occur, I am shifted into wondering what I did wrong.  Ah, the right and wrong, the all or none, the black and white.  How this comes disguised in so many ways.

Just this morning, a gift arrived in my email from a client who said, "I noticed you responded late last evening and I do not want you to over-extend."  I then received a text from my business partner stating, "Oh no urgency, just when you get around to it."  These gifts are so timely as I navigate this new territory of balance, expanse and letting go of expectations.

There is no urgency in these man-made expectations, only urgency in opening to the quiet listening of one's heart.

May you take time to listen intently,

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