Friday, June 19, 2015

"You Got Mail" - So Connected Yet So Out Of Touch

I often find myself grumbling over the lack of courtesy, recalling the days when Dear Abby and Ask Beth were read weekly to ensure that manners mattered!

Well, I have this conversation with my family - the different age groups pondering what is right and wrong with the current state of affairs and then had "an awakening" earlier this week.  It's not about right and wrong, but about how much input the human brain can handle at any one time.

While having my hair trimmed for the biweekly television taping, I asked my hairdresser if he had received my email/flyer invitation to an event that I was running and he laughed saying, "wait a minute and let me show you my phone."  He went on to say that he was new to the iphone, but that he does not use email because it is overwhelming.  As he pulled up his emails, there were 27,000 unread messages!  Yes, you got it - 27,000.

All of a sudden, the right/wrong, good/bad was swept away.  I realized that while technology is an amazing asset, it can be overwhelming and different modes are more comfortable for different people.  Just as I have gotten comfortable with email and some texting, I am now told that I need to be doing twitter and instagram - OMG, I can hardly keep up.

In my own life, the area that brings me much distress is keeping up with incoming data as well.  Do I read all the medical literature, do I answer everyone who reaches out, how do I prioritize this never-ending sea of mail?

While I do not have all the answers, I can offer this - set aside time to manage your emails, letting people know if you even do respond; get off lists that you do not want to be on and most importantly, set a time limit to be seated at the computer.  We are meant to be out in nature to balance this over-stimulation with the calm that only nature can bring.

Heading out on that bike for a little balance myself!

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