Saturday, July 11, 2015

Oh Heavenly Day

As I walked this morning with Tammie, listening to my tunes, I heard Oh Heavenly Day by Patti Griffin.  I heard this while at a weekend retreat with my older daughter, Lindsay - one of our many "enlightenment" meetings, this time at Kripalu Yoga Center.  I immediately was drawn to spiritual meaning of the song, much like Over The Rainbow.

I thought back of a few years ago when I hosted a concert to raise money for our mental health services in Wellesley.  We experienced a rash of suicides over a 5 year period and I felt compelled to assist our community in ways that bring talent together to sing - music has a way of uplifting the soul!  I learned this song and broke out of my usual "church singer" role, enjoying being a "hipster"!

I felt chills all over - the day is just beautiful, sunny and I am living where I have always wanted to be - overlooking the ocean, with historic quaint homes, all with a story of community and courage - Marblehead has the oldest and original Navy, defending our families.

Today is a day filled with much excitement and gratitude.  First, I am pulling off a surprise party for Ashley who will study abroad for a year in Europe to learn how they ban GMO's and harmful chemicals in foods and other daily use products.  She has always somehow found out about her surprises but this is coming along without a hitch!

It is also one year ago when I was admitted to Newton Wellesley and I could not help but review this entire year, filled with such amazing gratitude for how much I've learned, how much resilience my body has and how much my spirit has stretched even to limits that I did not know even existed.  And the learning and wonder continue day by day.

It's time to chop the veggies for the festivities - please enjoy this "heavenly day" and check out Patti's youtube version.

Musically yours,

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