Saturday, August 9, 2014

Dusting Off The Yoga Mat

It is now two weeks from having hamstring surgery to remove an abscess and I am moving along quite nicely - not at my "old pace", but taking life and strength in stride! I was finally able to take my full walk without being exhausted or in discomfort from my healing leg and that feels so good! As I viewed the bay with sailboats, I felt such peace and gratitude for the beauty that exists in my life. I decided that today would be the day to clean off my new yoga mat and do some poses - with creativity! Not only do I still have a deep open wound on the left leg, but I have a pic line (a catheter that is inserted into my arm and drops into my vein near the heart) for self-administering medications. I was told not to stretch above my head, not to lift heavy objects, basically, not to move too much with my right arm. Hey, at least I'm balanced - right arm/left leg! As I thought about my yoga, I was excited to think about how to handle rehabilitation for myself. I've had years of training - a personal trainer in the 80's, an aerobics and conditioning trainer, a hatha trained yoga teacher again back in the 80's and now my recent certification with Yoga Of Energy Flow - a remarkable program that not only introduced many styles of yoga postures, but also discussed spirituality, philosophy and the "unseen" energy flow. Since my hospitalization, I have used my breathing and spiritual aspects, but today felt like the right time to begin some postures. While my body is still so very tight, I am able to do some postures with intention, yet not perfection. What a life lesson. I have always been able to count on my physical stamina, being very good at exercises - often pumping more weight than the guys! Today, I am starting from a place of truly listening to my body, my pain being the gauge of how much I can push. Another message worth listening to and I am really listening! I welcome you to do the same - listen to your body - it reveals so much truth! In balance, Julie

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