Saturday, August 10, 2013

GMO and Your Digestion

We have an underground war ongoing in this country about the use of genetically modified foods.  While years ago, scientists were researching ways to keep seeds and plants healthy through challenging environmental circumstances - rain, drought, heat, cold - it seems that these modern, technological advances have actually created more problems.  The genetic modification of seeds that become fruits and vegetables for our consumption leaves our digestive systems with an inability to interpret what the food really is and hence, how to digest and absorb the nutrition from it.

Part of the problem lies in how do we restructure the economics in this country to support local farming and to research ways to get back to the basics with regard to production and purchase, while feeding the masses. This brings to mind a teaching opportunity that I was engaged in a few years back.  A local charter school asked me to come and speak to the classes about organic foods, genetic modification, local farming etc, because the students were to be going on a week to live on a farm and learn about these very topics.  In my research to prepare for the classes, I had to review some basic facts:  organic fruits and veggies must withstand the elements, thus they are often higher in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants because these "phytonutrients" (plant chemicals) are in larger quantity in order to survive.  Wow - does this make sense!

The tip of the day is to choose non-GMO foods and organic foods (especially the dirty dozen fruits and vegetables) as much as possible.  Use farmers markets, local farms, BJ's and Costco, as well as Whole Foods and other markets that offer these.

Yours in health,

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