Saturday, March 28, 2015

Nutrition in the Firing Range: Time for Resolution or Revolution

The past two weeks have been quite eventful for the dietetics profession.  Our governing agency, The American Dietetic Association chose to support/endorse/align with Kraft's Healthy Kids initiative, thus supporting the use of Kraft cheese as a healthy food.

For many of us, this collaboration was not something that we would have agreed to, especially given that the cheese is highly processed, contains many chemicals and unhealthy fats.  In fact, the ADA rarely asks its members what they think and what companies align with the values of health.

As the emails poured out about leaving the association, I was struck with how entrenched people were on both sides and how angry and emotional responses were to the governing folks at ADA. My reaction following the shock of such an endorsement was to wait a few days for emotions to settle, to read how the ADA responded to dissatisfied members and to then formulate my letter.  I will include my letter in this blog because it supports who I am and how I operate.  This is not to say that I am right and others are wrong - there is no right or wrong - only an endpoint desire.  As a person, community, nation, world, do we want peace and collaboration or revolt that further divides?

I truly believe in clean, organic, nonGMO food and our country is certainly lagging in that area, but we need to find ways to repurpose some commodities.  Instead of processed cheese that can stay on the shelf for months, we can educate people about organic cheeses that must be consumed in a shorter time, and that these organic cheeses do not contain hormones that increase the risk for certain cancers.  Yes, it is time for all of us to take responsibility to get back to basics and while this may be less convenient in the short run, it will create a healthier environment for ourselves and our future generations.  

And as we approach "hot topics", consider taking time to listen to both sides, to not react, but rather thoughtfully consider the best interest of all involved.  A peaceful resolution will support a world that exists in harmony,

In peace,

March 23, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

I have chosen to wait before sending my letter of concern about the recent Kraft issue because I wanted emotions to settle, to hear both sides and then to formulate my opinion.   I have read the article, the various discussions and comments about this situation and must say that I feel very strongly that establishing alliances in any way with companies that provide processed foods with multiple chemicals in them, is not an acceptable message to be sending to the general public.  There is mounting research and evidence to show that these highly processed foods are contributing to the nation’s obesity epidemic as well as other illnesses and health concerns.

A recent viewing of Fed Up, not only reinforced my practice style, but clearly showed how these food companies are really not looking into the best interest of the population, but are more interested in monetary gain and power.  This is just not right!

I also feel that words are “poised”, creating a semantic dilemma for many – especially the uneducated and confused public.  Words like alliance, endorsement, “seal of approval”, support etc.

I have always been proud to be a dietitian, continue to love what I do and want to be represented as a healthcare professional, not a quick fix option with multitudes of side effects – akin to the pharmaceutical industry.  “Cure for the short-run, but kill in the end.”

My desire is always collaboration and I sincerely hope that our organization can work towards listening to all, sharing opinions and making decisions in the best interest of humanity.

Thank you for taking the time to read our letters.

Julie Freeman

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