Saturday, May 10, 2014

Blooms, Blossoms and Allergies

This week has surely been one of blooming - plants, trees, flower blossoms. What a beautiful sight, yet the dichotomy is one of many of being plagued with allergies. Why should such a beautiful occurrence in nature affect the human body in such negative ways! All too many people suffer with allergies and asthma and the number affected has sharply risen over the years. In part, our body's defense mechanisms have been very challenged by the overuse of antibiotics and decongestants and another pathogen is playing a major role as well - fungus! While yeasts and fungi are common in nature, the overgrowth of these has caused an imbalance in our body's delicately balanced system. A body overwrought with yeast will have a much harder time combating allergies and other immune-reactive conditions. Read the excerpt below: Mayo Clinic On Sinus Infections "New research reveals that over 90% of sinus problems are caused by an immune response to a common fungus. . . . Antibiotics were designed to eliminate bacteria, not fungi and decongestants are incapable of stopping the spread of fungi in the sinuses." What to do: Use your netti pot daily ,especially during allergy season - helps to clean the cilia (nasal hairs that are a protective barrier. Be sure to clean the netti pot well and use warm distilled water Use a broad spectrum probiotic daily - offers protection to balance the good and not so good "bugs" that inhabit our bodies Now hopefully you can enjoy a fresh start to a beautiful season! In health, Julie

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