Friday, November 22, 2013

"Potty" Training and Retraining

I see many patients in my office with gastrointestinal issues and at the same time, have been dealing with my own set of IBS/candida/bacterial overgrowth issues, secondary to the type of cancer that I have. While it can help to understand others' suffering, it sure has not been a fun time! In my own personal work, I have certainly attended to the obvious dietary adjustments - no sugar, good fiber, probiotics, antifungal supplements - and yet, my reflexologist and other energy workers, see constipation throughout - meaning that there are habits and ways of being that I am having a hard time letting go of. How interesting a concept! If one thinks of the chakras, energy systems in the body, the second and third chakras have to do with being safe and secure, as well as relaxed with oneself and surroundings, and being able to digest and assimilate nutrients and new information. While pondering this concept, I immediately thought of how proud my Mom was that I was "potty trained" by the age of 2! I recall her telling me that we were moving into a house and she wanted this done and over with before the move. Wow - what pressure for a toddler's body, as well as brain - and yet, this was not an uncommon expectation for those growing up in my era. I learned at a very young age to hold things in and not let go. It now makes so much sense to me. This holding pattern is so well ingrained on the anatomical level as well as the emotional level, but at least with awareness, these traits can be transformed into healthy patterns. I will bring this awareness into my practice with my patients and see how the combination of functional medicine - the diet, supplements, relaxation - along with identifying early life experiences, brings hopefully a more complete healing. To be continued. . .

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