Saturday, April 4, 2015

Like a Seinfeld Show - Humor in the Humanness

Reflecting on the day yesterday felt much like a cartoon show amidst the solemness of also being Good Friday.  As usual, I felt great pearls of wisdom coming from the humor as well as being reverent!

Started my day fasting (which I hate to do, especially missing my morning coffee!), en route for a number of hours for the continued medical visits - first lab, then follow up appointment with my functional doc.  Being organized with my food, supplements, coffee and oh yes, freezer packs to keep my kefir and bison cold, I began my day.  In my left pocket, I placed my bloodstone - I collect crystals and stones and bloodstone has "Christ energy", and so I was very aware of this being Good Friday and what Jesus symbolizes in my life.

Following the labs, I went straight to the car for my latest concoction of coconut kefir, chopped pear and carrot, hemp protein, walnuts, cocoa and cinnamon powder, drizzled with sesame tahini and Permavite powder (a great insoluble fiber source lightly sweetened with stevia).  Of course, I had packed my organic coffee and enjoyed my breakfast with Tammie in the car - she accompanies me on these long trips and we usually stop off for a walk.

Following breakfast, I needed to use the bathroom.  Now listen carefully, as this is great news, news that is usually hush hush, but in my practice, I temper it with telling my clients that we always talk about "poops" in my office - gotta have humor!

A little background here - as I became more ill over the past few years, my IBS worsened significantly and at times, I could not wear normal clothing  due to bloating.  I had such fogginess, fatigue and muscle pain, that I knew I was a toxic load and "full of ----!"  It has been a journey trying many medications, supplements, teas - you name it - but thanks to Matthew Liscomb, my spiritual and life coach, I have had faster success these past few weeks.  Check out Matthew's link as he is an amazing healer -

Matthew gave me info on kefir, suggesting that it could be made into coconut kefir as well, since I am dairy sensitive.  I had read a lot about it, but a few years ago when I tried cultured and fermented foods, my body rejected them pretty violently.  I am in a better place now, supporting growth of many "good bugs", building my immune system with my naturopath and killing those persistent cancer cells which were quite high for me and now within normal limits - woo-hoo!

As I approached the bathroom, there was one other person in there and amidst the silence, I heard her grown, flush the toilet to hide any noise and she repeated this pattern for a few minutes.  For me, being in public bathrooms has been challenging - God forbid I make noise or worse yet, smell!  I breathed, relaxed and reminded myself that this is a normal part of every human beings' functioning.  Voila - it worked!

The take away message here is to take care of your needs as they arise, never feeling shame for paying close attention and to RELAX!

Onward to the next cartoon in my head.  I tend to be technologically challenged and my kids can vouch for that!  A few weeks ago, Lindsay helped me to download music onto my iphone and now I can enjoy this as I walk or am in the car.  I decided to listen to my music and proceeded to pull out various cords to hook up in the car - my headset (not sure I needed that!), the charger (definitely did not need that!!) and proceeded to press play.  Nothing happened.  Finally, I began to laugh recognizing that I needed the aux cord.  As I plugged it in, I began to laugh pretty hysterically and envisioned myself with hair on end as if electrified and wrapped up or shall we say, tangled up with wires!  I immediately called Ashley, my techie and we both had a good laugh.

Moral of this vignette is to learn to laugh at yourself, find humor in things that may not be your forte.  I used to go through life condemning myself, creating the story of being stupid and now know how utterly harmful this is to one's self-esteem, creating limiting beliefs.

I hope you you will Live, Laugh and Love as the saying goes!

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