Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Spiritual Psychology, Epigenetics, You and Me

I am landing back to earth from an incredible weekend, assisting at the genetics conference in San Diego, where I am learning how to apply the biochemistry that I learned "a thousand years ago" with cutting edge epi-genetics interpretation.  The science of epi-genetics takes the deterministic view of genes and applies how environment, chemicals, attitudes and beliefs affect whether or not the genes will express themselves in a positive or negative manner.

Coupled with the very long drive to and fro on the freeway, I popped in Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman to listen to Spontaneus Evolution, a wonderful book bringing together biology, history and evolution.  For me, the combination of learning from these disciplines creates a framework that truly resonates with my personal experience and that which I share passionately with my friends, colleagues and clients.

While science has created some predictability over the years, there are "miracles", unexplained circumstances that do arise frequently enough and now there are ways to view, measure and understand them more. This brings up an important point to remember - science is only as good as the technology at the time.  Be careful of casting something or someone off as "not possible" or "crazy" just because behaviors or expressions (illness etc) cannot be measured!

I feel increasingly hopeful about unlocking the mysteries of health and well-being, not only for myself (a complex case, no doubt!), but for the many people that I come in contact with.  There is no doubt that I attract outliars in the medical system, as well as in my life, for I get it, as a humble human being and a practitioner, all in one.

Stay tuned!

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