Sunday, August 20, 2017

From Mount to Mount

As I visited Meditation Mount yesterday with a dear friend, I felt the presence and energy of Graymoor, a beautiful mountain in Garrison, NY, nestled in the Hudson River Valley.  I grew up visiting Graymoor as a child with my folks, as my uncle had joined the order but had to leave due to health problems.  The friars at that time, worked in the community, tended the fields, growing food to feed the poor and my uncle's congenital heart condition disallowed labor of this nature.

As a teen, I was less enthralled by visiting a religious place, but came back around during college days while studying philosophy.  As I have mentioned before, what has always resonated with me is Fr Paul's vision when he founded the order - "that all may be one".  To this day, my path is about connecting people, helping us recognize that there are many paths to the same truth - love is the only way and peace and understanding assist in finding this not only in ourselves, but as we peer out through our lenses into the world at large.

Meditation Mount has the same peace pole, which I did not know until looking at an updated photo of Graymoor this morning.  Also, both places opened their missions within the same year - 1970-1971. How ironic that the energy and influence cross from sea to sea, and that I see and feel the synchronicity of this very energy.  There is beauty and grandeur in observing the mountains and valleys, and a gentle reminder that while we are so small in comparison to these natural wonders, we influence every aspect of their continued existence and vice versa.

My message today is about seeing the beauty in the nature that surrounds us, to acknowledge the awesomeness within ourselves and others and to ponder why you are where you are in this place and time.  For it is through this connection that we will truly learn to serve.


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