Sunday, June 11, 2017

Learning to Listen and Trust Your Backbody

Since my arrival, I have been checking out different yoga studios and was told about a dance studio that offered a wide array of classes including yoga, kirtan (indian chanting) and expressive world dance.

Knowing that a lifelong challenge has been unlocking my tight body, I decided to really step outside of my comfort zone and do some soulful movement, including sensual hip moves and circling arms above my head.

I tried Bollywood, a high paced Indian dance and as I described the class to Linds and Ash, they were in stitches, wishing to be a fly on the wall watching stiff ole Mom!  It was so fun and definitely a step in the right direction.  On Saturday, I tried Soul Motion and the best way to describe this class is interpretive movement to a theme.  This week's theme was the Backbody.

I am familiar with concept from my studies in energy medicine and we did some of this work when I attended the alternative cancer center in Germany a few years ago.  Basically, having an awareness of our past, how our spine supports us and the energy field around us, not just in front or what we can see, helps to create trust and balance.

At the end of the session, our teacher, a wonderful yoga teacher and kirtan chanter, Julia Berkeley, gave us a sheet of paper and pen to write freely for a few minutes without thinking. The exercise began with, "My Backbody ..."  Below, I will share my free association which was fascinating and I hope that you will find an opportunity to consider a meditation focusing on your Backbody and what it means to you!

"My Backbody trusts that I will be safe.  Will bring me fullness of life and stop me when I am moving forward too fast.  My Backbody knows who I am - my strengths and vulnerabilities and wants me to be whole and happy.  What does happy mean, I ask . . . I am finding my way and this exploration of my Backbody, free-flowing and formless, is actually taking shape and form.  Divine intelligence is moving me forward and backward - a circle of light and love.  I thank you Backbody for holding me up and in place, not stagnant, but alive.

With gratitude to my teachers,

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