Sunday, June 4, 2017

Giving Back Receiving - Both Are So Important

The other evening, as I explored other areas of town on my bike, I passed a man carrying  two plastic grocery bags.  We exchanged a smile and hello - something I so accustomed to from my Friendly's Ice Cream training.  Always make eye contact, smile and say you will be right with someone - good old customer service!

He asked me if I wanted some apricots, going on to say how his tree was so abundant this year that he is giving fruit away.  I graciously accepted, said thank you and was so excited, as I have not had fresh apricots in years.

Upon arriving home, my tea tag read, "We are most happy when we give of ourselves".  I smiled inwardly and outwardly, snapped a photo of the fruit and sent it to my family.  What I've noticed thus far in this small town is a warmth and sincere welcoming, as well as curiosity about my being here.  There's a slower pace with folks stopping to ask and learn more.

I've thoroughly enjoyed providing community service over the years and during this past number of months, have been the recipient of such an outpouring of love and support.  My observation of myself in this process is that I have truly begun to accept and love myself for who I am, with all my talents and imperfections (that is the key word!), I am much more able to accept gifts of love and support without guilt, but with pure joy.

It is the energy exchange of giving and receiving from the heart between beings that brings peace, joy and love.  May you smile and don't forget to read the tea tags.


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