Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hey Change That Channel

As I have deliberated what to write about this week, I decided to start with this phrase as metaphor for interrupting potentially self-limiting thoughts and possible actions.

I was finishing a book on tape by Paul Selig, The Book Of Love And Creation, a channeled text and the language is pretty much the same as other books in this genre regarding everything in creation as having  frequency.  By maintaining a loving attitude about self, others and circumstances, the vibration can be raised to a higher level, thus bringing about healing on a deeper level.  This fits in with last week’s blog that was inspired by Jack Kornfield. 

I began to think about vibration, frequency and radio waves with channels.  I’ve actually been stuck being able to reprogram my own car radio, left the book on my car seat thinking that I may need to go to the dealership to help me.  Since I was early for yoga class, I decided to give it one more try, reading very slowly the instructions about how to preset the channels.  Now one may say, “You’ve got to be kidding, you can’t do this?”, but for me, the language of device manuals has never been a forte and I learn much better when someone works directly with me.  However, I chose to give it one more try.  Bingo, I got it.  I needed to hold the selection button down longer than I had been doing and now I have a few channels that I like and can change the channel when I want/need!

What does this have to do with vibration and personal evolution?  Everything!  In my next blog, I will address more specifics about continued health challenges, but for now, will just mention that it is on my health list to now take on healing the gut – my biggest and most challenging of all.

I was prepared with herbal antibiotics, read over the likely symptoms to expect and did my grocery shopping to manage the upcoming dietary changes, but nowhere did I really know what this would feel like for me.  I have tried healing my gut in the past and could not get past a few days of treatment, and so I already knew that it might be difficult.  Oh boy, is this hard!  In fact, while explaining to my girls how miserable I feel, I commented that this may, in fact, be the hardest of all the health challenges I have faced.

I am bloated beyond compare and have about three clothing items to wear.  Luckily, I know how to dress to camouflage this distention and the elastic bands at least offer some physical comfort.  Nausea, extreme fatigue, joint and muscle achiness all accompany this process.  Foods that I usually love are pretty distasteful.  I decided to use the phrase, “change the channel”, when I start down the road of self-pity because you know what, I’m human just like the rest and my mind can wander into the dark caverns.
While I am empathic by nature, this brings even me to a deeper knowing when I work with my clients.  This discomfort is real, is painful AND I believe it to be temporary.  As Geneen Roth, a wonderful author on eating disorders states, “The Only Way Around It Is Through It!”  I have used this phrase for years and will offer it to you today when you face a challenge that seems impossible.

Until later,


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