Monday, January 15, 2018

In Honor Of MLK: A Visionary and Presence Still Needed In Our Lives

As I listened to the reflection during service yesterday at Unity, my new-found spiritual center (in addition to yoga!), Rev. Larry provided a synopsis of discussions with Martin Luther King when faced with adversity - and we know that he faced many challenges with courage and love.

When asked why he did not focus on his traumas and struggles, he stated that he did not wish to be seen as a victim or to be pitied.  In fact, he believed that these trials in life strengthened his creative force.  It was like another resounding bell in my head, reminding me that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and in this very time!

Over this past month, I've received countless calls, texts and emails from concerned family, friends and colleagues, asking if I am safe from harm.  It has been a whirlwind with two evacuations, then the floods and mudslides, yet, I have been safe from harms' way.  Inconvenienced - yes.  Strengthened - yes.  In what ways?

Moving has become a natural state for me and during each move, I've let go of more "stuff".  My living quarters now are approaching the tiny house model that I am looking forward to achieving.  With letting go, there is the physical removal, getting stuff to places of service to others or finding the right recycling place.  Emotionally, moving means being able to adapt to new surroundings - people, places and getting the new routines down.  I'm quite comfortable with this process and have found it exciting rather than too overwhelming. OK, there are times of exhaustion!

I "know" that I am here in this place and at this time to serve others, yet do not know exactly what that will look like.  I've reached out to the city governmental agencies to help in any way that I can; I've contacted my local food bank and have typed letters to my neighbors about picking fruit from our trees and getting it out there to those in need and I've tapped into my new group at Unity, to be a support with music and spiritual offerings.  How that will manifest is in God's hands - and that is deep within my being while connected to the universe at large.

Receptivity has been wonderful.  I am in a community where care and concern are paramount and while only a mile away, houses, people and possessions have been wiped away, there is also an overarching sense of this cycle of life - joy and pain, trauma and resilience - that connects us all.

May you be blessed with facing adversity with grace as Dr King did,

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