A long-standing tradition in our family has been to read Twas the Night Before Christmas and given that our family spreads from sea to sea this year, Ashley suggested we skype and face time to read the book.
Traditions are a way to solidify bonds and to create a sense of belonging and familiarity. This year was especially important for our family, as we have faced so many changes - all growth filled, yet not all were easy, nor the fruits to be seen in the moment. We are all well and moving closer to where we want to be in life and what will bring about the greatest expression for our unique gifts in this world.
For me, the past two weeks have been anything but peaceful, yet I felt an inner knowing that all was going to be okay. Being new to CA, I experienced my first wild fires, two evacuations and a move that aligns with my personal mission and vision in life. Santa Barbara has the largest per capita non-profit organizations and has ongoing research and movements about environmental concerns - sustainability, energy use, honoring the use of our land.
Holiday plans were changed for us all, yet we are so connected. In fact, Lindsay and Scott move on January 1 to San Diego - now a 6 hour drive instead of a 6 hour flight! And Ashley is comfortably settled in Boulder, just graduated and now working full-time at Pearle Vision.
Tammie has been a real trooper through fires, moves, motels and long car rides and she continues to remind me about the "bright side" of life. Her unending devotion, love and puppy-like mannerisms can really bring me back to earth when I begin "spinning out" with the next steps. I am reminded that we only have what is right in front of us - a beautiful life with opportunities to share love with others.
Let me close with the end of the story - "But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight - Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"
Whether you celebrate Christmas or another tradition, I send you love and blessings on this day and always.
(Remember just a week ago, the skies were colored with orange smoke, but the resilience of nature brings us back to balance - time to do our part as well!)
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