It is Monday and I did successfully manage to alter the trajectory of my day yesterday. Sundays have always been a day of increased anxiety, except for the one to two hours of singing that I would do at church. Singing has always provided me a way to connect with my soul and my soul with others.
Since moving to CA, I have softened my "monkey mind" - the chatter in the background that effuses into the forefront of my mind, often increasing anxiety and decreasing focus. Years of conditioning coupled with a brain chemistry that shows rapid thought process (high glutamate levels - another topic another time!), have supported creativity and ability to multi-task, BUT overuse will create burnout and potential illness due to inflammation.
Voila, I have experienced the perfect storm, am moving through to the other side, and my continued persistence to find other ways, to create new pathways for myself and you, brings me such pleasure in the discovery process.
Scene One from yesterday: upon awakening, a flood of thoughts came about the weekly billing and balancing (my least favorite task!), preparing for the week ahead with seminars to provide (three to be exact), emailing confirmations to clients (this used to be my assistant's role), establishing new relationships in town for growing my two businesses - personal counseling and ClearMind, a new business focused on cognitive performance. How will I do this all? What if I cannot keep up? How dare I consider doing "fun" things today!
Ahh - that last one is the key to opening my new door and is the one that is so conditioned. In fact, part of my reason for my move is based upon learning to have fun, to practice a slower way of being and to really bring play into my life!
As you have read in my previous blogs, I AM doing all of this AND I continue to wrestle on occasion with these old ways of being. Bringing myself back to: "This is not me", "I am worthy of joy and peace", "The background voices will diminish as I practice giving to myself". Breathe into stillness and choose living in the moment.
I completed a few things and packed up to try a new adventure - Dance Tribe. Not only was it amazing, but I left feeling free, open and ready for a glorious day!
My message to you is to recognize these long established patterns and consider using the statements from above.
Live with Joy,
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