Well stated - Dr. Mitch Tischler. Also, addressed by Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden and other forward thinking individuals.
I invite you to think of situations where life feels unfair, where struggle feels insurmountable, write down the details about yourself and anyone else involved in the situation. Where are there similarities in these challenges? What do they represent?
I do believe it comes back to the self and how we view the core of our being. If we are pure love - indian philosophy; or made in the image and likeness of Christ - christian philosophy; then how can we then feel less than, not good enough, undeserving?
In my life, I continue to wrestle with these very questions along the journey of healing my mind, body and soul. I find it fascinating to entertain and believe in the idea that the biochemistry follows the thought, but it is more clearly visible to me now, more than ever.
Concrete example: I had a meltdown yesterday, feeling overwhelmed because our administrative assistant for the new business needs to stop working for family reasons, thus, there are new computer programs for me to learn, as well as now seeking a new person to fill the role.
As many of you know who follow me, technology is a language that feels foreign to me. While I have gotten better with time, as I read instructions, I often have no clue about what is being stated. At least now I try to figure things out, but it can be hours of time spent without resolution. I have a few folks with whom I am testing out the tutoring piece, but still find a language barrier in "getting it". This week there were multiple occasions of this happening and by yesterday, I felt angry, misunderstood and helpless.
Once I stepped away from this, I realized that I had been immediately brought back to that second grade scenario with my folks - over the math and reading comprehension - "What are you stupid?". Now this is no name and blame on them, BUT, I have still not let go of that message, the deeply ingrained tape that rolls around in my head!
I also immediately made a connection that I have intellectually discussed in the past, but only today put the pieces of the puzzle together. I had learning issues in the 2nd grade and this was also the time when I gained significant weight and was teased by other kids. It was a lonely time and I recall Mom and Dad fighting a lot during this period as well. A chaotic, unsafe time for young eyes and ears.
My two girls also had challenges in the 2nd grade. This is when their respective teachers recognized that they were indeed very bright, but were not mastering math and reading. Hmm - genetics? brain chemistry? stress? Yes, to all of the above!
As an adult, however, we have the opportunity to see this as the past and that the set of circumstances is not WHO we are. Each and every moment of our lives are new opportunities for self-acceptance and self-love.
The next time you are feeling unsettled, stop and ask yourself, where is this originating from? Is it true? Can I stop, regroup and be compassionate with myself and those around me?
Be love,
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