Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Living In Peace

I'm  a bit overdue on this blog because I have so much to write about and could not pick just one topic.  I think it is time for book three, focused on the journey of life - my life - because I feel and know that I represent others who have faced challenges, wondering if fear would eventually dissipate.  Indeed it can and it is truly worth the journey.

I feel a bit like the title, A Tale of Two Cities, in that I have two opposing forces occurring at this time, and yet I am at peace with this, at least in this moment.  And remember, it is this moment only that we have.

I'm facing a revisit to oncology in less than 2 weeks and will also be tested for virulent lyme co-infections.  My personal health is declining, yet, I am living, fully living, for the first time in my life.  I am often fatigued, have feelings of flu-like symptoms and find that I am allowing myself to recline when needed.

On the other hand, I walk with Tammie daily - we begin our morning walking to the local outdoor water fount for clean, reverse osmosis water.  It feels like going to the river for water.  I ride my bike to my chosen class of the day - yoga, dance and chanting.  I spend quality time with clients, having a reduced schedule and I am working with my business partner on our new company, ClearMind, a health company devoted to brain optimization.

I am singing spiritual music, auditioning in a week to join a group.  My life and work are so intertwined and both truly feed my soul.  I have often over these years called this my lifework because there is no delineation.  The difference is in my pace and acceptance.

I've been asked whether I feel that illness is unfair and if I ask "Why me?".  In fact, I have come to truly believe, "Why not me?"  I no longer feel that I've done something wrong to be faced with immune illnesses - leukemia and lyme - but keep listening and trusting that I am on my path.  Of course, I hope for a miracle cure, but I also realize that part of the miracle is in living, loving and experiencing joy, even with challenges.

My gift to you all is to share my peace and love with you now and always,

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