Thursday, September 24, 2015

Birthday Reflections, Bunions, Balance and Beyond

So last week's blog was about the birthday celebration and reflection over the year as well as the upcoming exciting visualizations.  This week has been a more focused reflection of the week leading up to my birthday and what I want and need in my life and what must go!

Most of us have heard and can relate to "old habits die hard", and I am no different.  In fact, I was humbled and reminded by a dear client as we skyped last week that I looked tired.  While I preach balance, last week was anything BUT!  By the time we had skyped on Thursday, I had already had a marathon week - exciting, interesting and exhausting.  I had not planned it that way, but due to the holiday, a meeting got moved to a different evening and a Chamber meeting was planned on an evening that is rather unusual, plus there was more - you get the picture.

By Friday night around 9pm, I felt physically pretty lousy - a little headachey, definitely bloated and uncomfortable stomach-wise (my usual and most challenging symptom) and my left bunion was kicking up and became infected once again.  Hmm - what does this mean?

For any of you who read about my bunion investigation, I looked at the physical, emotional and spiritual connections in order to give me more clues about myself and my personal healing path.  How interesting that the bunion came back as a glaring reminder to stop and allow.  The left side of the body is the feminine side and is all about allowing rather than doing.  For years, I have had challenges in this arena - I am a doer and tend to forge ahead without listening to my inner voice.

By the time Saturday rolled around, my birthday, I made the deliberate choice to slow down, enjoy activities that bring me joy (the cycling, the yoga, looking out over the beautiful harbor), but what I also realized, is that I did not like the physical manifestations that went along with a week filled with activity and doing.  I may love all of those activities, but my body and my spirit are giving me very clear and deliberate messages.

It is time to not only step into, but to maintain the possibility of "physician heal thyself".  Not only do I have the tools, but I have these not so subtle reminders that another path may be more enjoyable.

Stand in your own glory,

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