Saturday, July 4, 2015

Part Three of Humor in the Humanness: Brain Fog

This week has been filled with interesting client desires to not be taking any synthetic meds - a strong and demanding desire that I, too, have had for so many years, while also relying on as I call it and now embrace it, "the best of both worlds."

I now intuitive thoughts that arise as questions or thinking of someone and needing to reach out - we all have this gift, but as I take more time in this place of contemplation, it is showing up more often and with nice gifts!

I've mentioned before how there often seems to be a "theme of the week", and this was true to form. Clients were asking how they might not be on meds or how to cut down on meds and I had a few thoughts of needing to check my 3 month renewal of long-term estrogen, as this is something I must put into the calendar months ahead to stay on course.  I have such faith in my endocrinologist who, has stayed on top of my whole health - something not easily found in this day of specialized medicine.

Since I have a condition known as pituitary insufficiency, my precursors for hormones do not work ideally, thus I have needed support for my thyroid, for pregnancy and for the last number of years, for hormone replacement - something I was dead set against years ago.

Having been poked, prodded, surgically looked at as a 15 year old and many times after that, I had a "hate affair" with hormone replacement of any type.  I lost weight, gained weight, turned mad in a matter of minutes and just felt like I did not belong to my body or my brain!

I now have come full circle to embrace that modern medicine along with ancient wisdom and medicine, offers me an opportunity to live as balanced as I am able, and for that I am thankful!

As I approached this week, wondering about this medicine, I was also feeling forgetful, having more brain fog and increased heart palpitations.  Voila, the time was right - my body knew what I needed - and for me, embracing the "best of both worlds", allows me to live my life more fully.

Listen to your inner wisdom.

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