I began my day with meditation - a new habit cultivated to continue along in my journey to total health. I now enjoy taking this 15 minutes to focus on being calm, centered and in the moment. A few hours later, I enjoyed my usual Saturday yoga class and today, the theme was Anahata, the heart chakra. We did a lot of twists shining the heart to the heavens, as well as lying down poses with chest expansion. It felt wonderfully refreshing.
Given the snow during the week, I had to reschedule my reiki session to today - and this, too, was a treat! Over these past few years, I choose or shall I say, am drawn to knowing what alternative healing practices are needed to assist in the process of manifestation. While certain physiological mechanisms are known or labeled in my medical diagnoses, some of the driving forces creating dis-ease have been in my inability to be in a parasympathetic state (state of calm) long enough to allow healing to occur.
Over the years, I became the "energizer bunny", as my friends and family would call me, and of course, this puffed up the ego, knowing that "I" could do it all. Or shall I say, "thought". Women of my age were reared to believe that we could do it all, have it all, and still be vibrant. Statistics of disease, mental health challenges, as well as statistics of divorce, prove otherwise.
While it has been very challenging for me to quiet myself, I am practicing it because I do know that this is the true source of well-being, AND, I am enjoying it! Today, in particular, my reiki session brought up visualizations of being strong, healthy, doing what I am passionate about, and feelings of being loved and taken care of.
When I compared notes with my reiki master, she brought up words such as "triumphant", "shimmering diamonds", "12" - a number of great significance in the bible, "wisdom", "I am well", and she felt less stagnant energy in my compromised areas. I left feeling so peaceful, strong and vital and this feeling has carried on through the rest of the day and evening.
Today is a day of love - love of others and love of self. Happy Valentines Day!
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