Monday, August 25, 2014

Putting My "Left" Foot Down

How often have you heard the phrase, "put your foot down", as a way to control situations that seem out of control. Well a colleague of mine who does channeling, had this come to mind when she heard of the abscess in the left hamstring. For those of you following my blogs, I talked about the emotional-spiritual meaning of the hamstring before - tight hamstrings can often mean that a deeper level of surrender is needed. "The thighs and hamstrings also hold on to past conflicts, such as traumatic childhood memories, anger, or resentment. This area is also closely associated with sexuality and intimacy." The left side of the body relates to the feminine side - nurturance, creativity, compassion. As I thought about the relationship between the hamstring and side of the body, it all made sense. I have continued to struggle with past conflicts while not employing an adequate amount of self-compassion. Although I was "getting better at it", the seeds of concern would seep in, creating fear and self-doubt, which in turn, would start me down the path of feeling compelled to "do more". This was and is in direct contradiction to the path that I am "trying" to follow. Trying means not doing. I use this phrase frequently with my clients - you are either doing or not doing - and try means not doing! This can also be described as being or not being. In our day to day busyness, it is easy to get swept up into doing and not being. Checking off the list of to-do's may provide temporary self-esteem, but what is more important is to consider who we are being in each moment. Am I the example of love, peace, contentment and compassion for myself and others, and do my actions reflect this? This entire journey which began six weeks ago for me, has been one of deep self-reflection, of really being stopped and while I did not volunteer to put my foot down, God's grace did it for me and for that I am thankful. It is by making these connections that true healing can occur. Onto the next chapter! Julie

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